Sunday, January 16, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Our trip to the city proved fruitful. My appointment with my ear doctor went well. I may be officially part robot soon, bionic ear is what I mean. I may qualify for a procedure to have a bone implanted hearing aid which would normally cost $15,000.0 but I will get it free, at the price of being a guinea pig for the last twenty years or so. Nonetheless I am very excited to be able to hear again, I know it will be a long process but I am totally dedicated to this! Imagine hearing again!
We had a very interesting weekend. We were held up on our trip both ways due to weather related issues. We ended up staying an extra day but it was mostly family time and it was fun.
I start back to work on Wednesday and I am nervous, it's been awhile. But I'm sure everything will be okay. I start at a new hospital next week and I am extremely nervous about that, all new people.
Also I am thinking of dreading my hair. I will do it slowly so it will e progressively accepted by work and if not will at least qualify under prejudice if they fired me. Not looking for that at all. But want to be free and natural and unjudged. As long as I do a good job and am professional it shouldn't matter right? If i do I will make another blog about that but I am almost sort of already in the process, pics will be posted.
Anyways when I was away I had no access to the Internet and really missed checking on my blog and my reading list of your blogs, and I missed you all. I felt so refreshed and renewed when I read all of your blogs. Some were happy, some were sad, tormented, pained, But some were refreshing, renewing and spiritual. And I missed each and every single one of you! Much love, lets bond together through our pain, help each other overcome hardships, and live a renewed life of happiness and peace.


Sairs said...

I'm glad you will be able to hear again. I understand not being able to hear, as I have a profound hearing loss in my left ear and often have trouble in groups and when there is background noise. It sounds like yours is a little worse than mine though as I can get away with not wearing hearing aids, though I do miss a lot. I hope it all goes well for you :)

KelloKiki said...

Sorry to hear that you suffer from hearing problems as well. It's no fun missing out on things because of your hearing. Ihave also experienced alot of other people getting frustrated with me about it. I have to do some tests first to make sure I qualify, hearing test, balance test etc. but my doctor feels certain I shouldn't have any problems. I'm sure it will take a year or more to actually materialize, but I'm so excited! YAY!