Hey Everyone/Anyone,
I have been gone for a few months but I am back. I was going through a very hard time as you could tell from my last blog post I am sure. I ended up being hospitalized and slowly working my way back to a state of recovery. I avoided the blog and that post for the last two months, not even checking in at all. Now I am back. I still haven't gone back and read that blog and may not be able to for awhile but I am moving past it.
I got a new therapist and she is amazing, we really click and I really believe she is going to be able to help me. I am still seeing my psychiatrist but no longer taking meds. My fiance and I are working hard at mending our relationship and I have changed my life in so many ways already. I know it's going to be a long road but if I could get through it then there is hope for the future. I'm going to try and blog more often and not give up on it this time.
I don't feel like updating on everything that has gone on in the last few months because it is painful and tender still. It will probably come out in future posts at some point but unnecessarily reliving the misery isn't going to help me today. I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to catching up on everything I missed. And thanks for everyones support during these times.